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Thirty-Eight Years and Counting!

On August 18th, 1984, BOP(harvey) performed its very first show.


Let's face it, thirty-six freakin' years is a long freakin' time. BOP(harvey)'s long, strange trip began with an auspicious 1984 backyard party that was anything but remarkable - as any of you in attendance can attest to. And yet, somehow, within a year we were devoting our lives to the tours, the songs, the shows, and all of you weirdos that were crazy enough to encourage us. By the time we disbanded in 1994, we had performed over 2000 shows, released 10 albums, traveled over half a million miles, relocated to the rambunctious town of Providence, RI, made a decent dent in the radio charts, scratched the surface of MTV, partied with a president and kicked late night TV right in its Conans. And while we were at it, we got a few million people shaking their derrieres. Not bad for a bunch of knuckleheads from Michigan State University.


Then, against all odds, we reunited for our 25th anniversary and realized that not only we were no longer sick to death of each other, but that the music still mattered. After all, it was always about the music (...and the girls...and the free beer...but I digress).


So read on, McDuff, and explore a little history...a little wine, women and song...and a big THANK YOU from all of us for the looney adventure that is somehow not over quite yet.

How About A Free Live Recording?

BOP(harvey) Live _ Rick's Cover.001.jpeg

Wanna know what we were doing on April 12, 1992?


OK, BOPsters, buckle up for a wild evening of B(h) recorded right where it all began: at Rick's American Café on the edge of Michigan State University campus. This musical snapshot catches us in fine form, tearing it up across 24 tunes. This is our totally FREE gift to you for all of the love and support you've shown us for all these years. Simply download the mp3's here, put on your dancing shoes, and relive your (and our) youth.



Front house: Scott "the Dubmaster" Shafer

Bootleg taper extraordinaire: Steve Johnson

Only Days Away!

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"BOP(harvey) the beginning"

A short film chronicling the band's 1984 launch, as remembered by the original lineup. Strangely, none of us remembered each other's stories. Go figure. 


Yeah, We Have Friends In High Places

But They Never inhaled. 

Crap You Need

All the other kids are buying our music. What are ya, chicken?

Remember when we put the squeeze on late night TV?

Schooling Mr. O'brien

A Public Service Message That You Need To Hear

BOP(harvey) deemed a danger to your health!

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know...and Then Some

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